Letter from the Board of Commissioners Regarding News About Emerging Contaminants.

With increasing frequency, the local media have been publishing articles about our public water supply and new governmental regulations relating to emerging contaminants. Despite concern with the overall accuracy of some of these articles, the Roslyn Water District embraces this new attention because it draws much needed public awareness to our most precious, vital and finite resource.

It is important to understand that the complex treatment systems required for the emerging contaminants will be costly and take significant time to design and construct. Although the state health department has not yet adopted a drinking water standard for these newly emerging contaminants, we have already commenced with treatment pilot studies so we can have the necessary systems designed and installed in the timeliest manner. Most public water suppliers on Long Island will be impacted by emerging contaminants - some more than others - and the expenses associated with the water treatment systems needed. Clearly, our residents should not have to bear the entire financial burden. For that reason, the Roslyn Water District has filed lawsuits to hold those responsible for polluting our water supplies accountable for the exorbitant costs associated with the treatment needed to remove them from our water supply.

These contaminants are primarily the result of past industrial activities across Long Island. It wasn't caused by us or by our customers. Like Roslyn Water District, all water suppliers on Long Island get their water from deep underground aquifers, and providing quality drinking water involves much more than just turning on a faucet and expecting water to flow. It involves a process based on sound engineering principles and design, significant investment in complex infrastructure, constant maintenance and upgrades coupled with a conscientious and dedicated operating staff. It is this attention and dedication along with local oversight and fiscal accountability that allows our community to continue to obtain the highest quality of water at the lowest possible cost.

The Roslyn Water District is your local water supplier exclusively dedicated and directly accountable to the community we serve. Our mission has not changed since 1910, and we remain dedicated and committed to you and the community we all treasure.

Very truly yours,

Commissioners of the Roslyn Water District

Bill Robins
Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain.

Roslyn Water District Reassures Public Water Supply is Unaffected by Coronavirus


Fact Sheets on 1,4-Dioxane and PFAS and PFOA