On December 16, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced changes to the Lead and Copper rule, which was originally established in 1991. The purpose of these changes is to ensure that any existing lead service line in the country is removed and replaced.  


Based on decades of working in the community and the inventory of data we have on installed service lines, the Roslyn Water District is confident that, if there are any lead service lines within the District, they are few and far between. With that said, 100 percent confidence is needed, so the District is embarking on an aggressive data collection effort to confirm the materials used for every service line in the District which we do not already have on record. The District will need the assistance of the Roslyn Water District residents to complete this task.  


A major part of the Lead and Copper Rule is to identify service lines made of lead or galvanized steel. The District would like to engage residents’ help in identifying lead and galvanized service lines. If you believe your home service line is made of lead or galvanized steel, please fill out the form below.